Hi there
You probably already know us, but we would like to introduce ourselves again.
We are Midzomergracht festival.

We are Midzomergracht festival.
From the Eindfeest Roze Lente in 1997 to a 10-day festival with 100 activities.
Midzomergracht festival is in full swing. 10 days of celebration for more acceptance of sexual and gender diversity and more visibility of the LGBTI + community in Utrecht with the largest possible audience.
We are in full swing.
Midzomergracht festival is a party where you meet and where prejudices are taken away. We call this the MZG AAC. Or, Acceptance through Awareness through Contact. With attention to sports, education, culture & pride. For everyone. Regardless of age, gender and sexual preference.
Midzomergracht festival 2019 promises to be a beautiful edition again.
All generations celebrate diversity together